Hold the Planet Presses! ~ 8 March 2018

With Jupiter turning retrograde after a rousing first surge in Scorpio, it may feel like a “hold the presses” moment. With Mercury two weeks away from its first retrograde of the year, the presses cannot be held too long.

Actually, the urge to hesitate to ensure that all facts are in order, data stands compiled and evaluated and inclusion of everything relevant happens does make sense... even to Mars. Between now and March 17th, for all intents and orb purposes, Mars stands directly aligned with the Galactic Center. Mars intends to extract all available insights for the greatest advantages that can be created. The Galactic Center freely shares with Mars, under one condition - if the galactic goodies are downloaded, they must be expeditiously and efficiently applied.

This is not a time to pause and ponder on incoming galactic insights. This is a time to recognize there is a bit of a race to apply galactic insights. This is not a race to beat out competitors and others tracking similar insights. This is a race to ensure that insights needed to make the most out of the times at hand are applied within the consciousness wave when the greatest receptivity occurs, in this case, virtually immediate response.

Typically collective consciousness needs time - often months - to assimilate and warp around galactic concepts. Not so now. If a person grabs a galactic morsel, swiftly applies inventive spirit and prototypes the concept, it can enter society’s beta test. Feedback ensures timely tweaking and refinement. Before you know it, the concept at hand quickly morphs into a viable commodity, which when offered to the collective in the current wave, can catch on and do more than a heap of good.

Though dealing with Mars, this is not about rushing, careless conjuring, being the first on the block with the goods or reckless development. This is about recognizing an existing and urgent need and swiftly creating a solution for it.

Systems operate best when in nominal modes. Nominal means that the entire system organically works together to do the task at hand. If a technician decided to perfectly tune one component of the system to be precisely on the mark of ideal specs, other components in the system respond. In fact, they may respond to the adjustment so dramatically as to take their function outside tolerance - the range in which it effectively operates and achieves the objective of the system of which it is a part.

This is not to suggest a “close enough for government work” consciousness either. This is to suggest that when the concept is ready, deliver it. In the recent weeks I have skimmed several articles each addressing a potential flaw and subsequent downfall of most screenplays written on spec (with the hopes that someone will love it, buy it, produce it and entertain the masses). The downfall occurs when the writer attempts to be too precise, too perfect. In that pointed refinement effort for perfection, often the overall plot, drive of the characters and theme of the tale gets shunted.

Mars in Sag might remind a traveler that while in flight an airliner spends a major portion of its flight adjusting to ambient conditions - sometimes unexpected effects - to guide it to a landing more or less in the middle of a 150 wide slab of concrete. A plane can safely land within a tolerable range on the runway and successfully complete the journey.

Mars in Sag sees this present time precisely that way. Let’s hold the presses to make sure all necessary information has been received, processed, integrated and fully applied. Then, proofread and print.

For five days following his entry into Capricorn (March 17th) - and a nick before Mercury turns retrograde and does what he does when backing talkwards - Mars travels in front of the greatest cluster of pulsars in the Sagittarius arm of the galaxy. While doing so, he passes the fastest spinning pulsar, and he will encounter some glitching pulsars, a trend that will continue into the Mercury retrograde era.

What’s an earthling to do?

First, think of the task at hand in terms of the energy needed to successfully accomplish objectives. Resist the urge to think in terms of time.

Second, remember that to catch the eye of the collective, the “give me the same thing only different” mindset applies. Mars knows he’s headed to Capricorn and too much status quo and tradition cannot be uprooted at once. Going with a new look at tried and true, a slant toward progress and innovation, and practical real world viability does the trick.

Third, keep in mind that the thing you’re downloading and innovating needs to work and serve a purpose. Revisions can be added along the way. Ask your computer. Behind the scenes your operating system, anti-virus systems and word processor receives hidden updates, making your life better (presumably) with each iteration.

Fourth, if a glitch pulsar gives you a hiccup or belch in the action beats, excuse yourself, reset and keep going.

Get it right. Get it good. Get it nominal. Then, take off the brakes and launch that puppy. After all, they have been holding the presses for you.

There will be more soon.